Bakteriální přípravky do řepky, máku, slunečnice, kukuřice a zeleniny Monas Technology


This biological product was designed for the treatment of silage and grain maize (Zea mays), as well as all kinds of vegetables. FIX-H+N® contains two types of bacteria that colonize the rhizosphere and create free symbiosis with the roots of the crop plant. Thanks to the bacterial activity, the plant is provided with better nutrient intake, and the atmospheric nitrogen is bound to the soil. Another benefit is the production of plant hormones (cytokinins), which promote crop growth.

Soil microflora encompasses a wide range of organisms that hold different systemic roles and enter into relationships with different plant species. FIX-H+N® takes advantage of the natural potential of beneficial rhizosphere-bound bacteria. High concentration of these bacteria leads to suppression of pathogenic organisms, improvement of nutrient balance (decomposition of organic and inorganic components, facilitating direct intake of nutrients, binding of air nitrogen). In addition, the bacteria in FIX-H+N directly affect the fitness of the crops by producing plant hormones called cytokinins. The ultimate effect is an increase in yields.

Main characteristics of the product

FIX-H+N® is an agricultural plant additive consisting of two components: FIX-H and FIX-N, intended to be applied to the maize crops. Depending on the environmental conditions, these two components can work simultaneously or with varying extent and timing. Both components are resistant to pesticides commonly used in maize.

The new formulation provides improved resistance to UV radiation and a greater certainty of proper application in sunny weather.

Principles of function

The effect of FIX-H+N® is primarily based on the creation of "free symbiosis", i.e. on the mutually beneficial relationship between the roots of host plants and bacteria, commonly present in natural soils. This symbiosis arises from the colonization of the rhizosphere (space occupied by the roots of plant) by the bacterial cells, and significantly improves the herbal resistance to the harsh conditions of their habitats (e.g. low pH, low nutrient availability, drought, disease pressure coming from the soil - Fusarium, Colletotrichum). After the pre- or early post-emergent application in the spring, it takes several days or weeks for the bacterial cells to colonize the rhizosphere.

Compound FIX-H: basic mechanisms of action

  • This bacterium assists to balancing the pH reaction of soil around the roots. Increased environmental stability helps the plants survive periods of stress caused by drought. Moreover, it produces an enzyme called 4-hydroxyacetophenone monooxygenase, which conducts highly beneficial reaction of converting piceol, NADPH, H+, and O2 to 4-hydroxyphenyl acetate, NADP+ and H2O. To make it simple, in the presence of air and hydrogen ions, new water molecules are formed and H+ ions are removed. It affects both water balance and acidity of the soil.
  • This bacterial strain is not picky regarding the medium, and it grows in all types of predominantly acidic soils.

Compound FIX-N: basic mechanisms of action

  • This bacterium is capable of binding atmospheric nitrogen under anaerobic conditions. Even though its efficiency is not as high as in the case of e.g. Rhizobia (living in the anaerobic environment of root nodules in leguminous plants), they still conduct this energetically highly demanding reaction rather well. Assuming the absence of oxygen and sufficiency of organic matter, FIX-N bacterium can bind 15-40 kg N/ha in the soil.
  • Further relevant mechanism, which can be translated to the increment of corn production, is the support of immunity of maize plants.
  • The production of plant hormones is another known mechanism of bacterial support of the crops. If the plant is not strong enough to synthetize sufficient amount of its own hormones, it can draw these substances from the subsidiary pool created in the rhizosphere by bacteria.
  • This bacterial strain is more demanding medium-wise, but it grows both in acid and alkaline soils.

Effects of application

Under natural conditions, corn plant produces mycorrhiza (enters symbiosis with fungal hyphae). However, this is not true for maize grown according to the cropping plans of production agriculture. Here, the mycorrhizal fungus doesn’t have enough time for colonization of the rhizosphere (for several reasons), and the corn plant is forced to seek further options. And here comes the cooperation with bacteria.

As mentioned above, bacteria present in either component of FIX-H+N work on different basis. Both bacterial strains can flourish together or, under certain conditions, only one of them may assert itself significantly. This dual nature of our blend eliminates the possibility that the environment is inappropriate for the bacterial culture as a whole: the threat of its complete extinction (and lack of effect) is thus minimized.

Colonization of rhizosphere comes with benefits for the nutritional intake: bacteria, thanks to their biodegradation capabilities, release mineral compounds from dead animal and plant tissues, rendering them available as nutrients for the crops. Moreover, corn plants with our bacteria in their rhizosphere are more resistant to certain environmental stress such as drought, low pH, poor nutrient availability (N), or fungal pathogens infecting plants through the soil (Fusarium, Colletotrichum).

The ultimate effect is positive impact on the corn production.

Field experiment in corn field, locality Žabčice 2014 t/ha
Compared to the control, the application of FIX-H+N resulted in a revenue increment of 5%.

Corn cobs harvested in the control (left) and treated (right) plot. The improvement of crop yield after the application of FIX-H+N can be seen by naked eye.

Application range - spectrum of plant species

FIX-H+N® is designed for application on corn fields, both grain and silage.

Conditions for application

The new formulation equips bacteria with greater resistance to the sunlight. This gives you more confidence when applying the product even on sunny days. Nevertheless, it is recommended to apply the solution during cloudy days and/or in the evening. In order for the cells to reach the roots properly, the product should be applied to moist soil.

Bacteria contained in FIX-H+N® are native to our climatic conditions, thriving in a wide range of temperatures.


Component FIX-H should be mixed with component FIX-N during insertion to the spray tank.

Application dose:: 0.5 l/ha FIX-H, 0.5 l/ha FIX-N

Amount of water:: 200-600 l/ha according to current soil humidity

Period of application

It is recommended to apply the product pre-emergently or early post-emergently in May and June.

Preparations compatible with FIX-H+N as part of tank MIXes

FIX-H+N® is highly tolerant towards artificial fertilizers.
No restrictions are known regarding combinations with maize-designated herbicides.

This product can be used in organic farming according to Council Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008 on organic production and labeling of organic products.

Difference in plant sizes is clearly visible when comparing treated (left) and control stand (right).